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 do                      do-while Statement

 while (expression);

    The do-while statement executes the statements in the body, and then
    evaluates the looping criteria at the end of the loop.  If the
    expression is true, the loop is re-entered and the body is executed
    again. When the expression tests false control is passed to the next
    statement following the loop.

      Notes:    With the do-while construct, the statements in the body
                are always executed at least once.  That's because the
                condition is tested at the end of the loop, rather than
                at the beginning--as in the `for' and `while' statements.

                You can terminate a do statement prematurely by using a
                goto, return, or break statement. The continue statement
                terminates only the current iteration of the loop.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           do {              /* Use braces for multiple statements */
           } while (i < 20);

See Also: while continue break goto return
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson